Mackenzie Lift Station Diversion & Mackenzie Boulevard Sewer Upgrade Phase II

Project Statistics:


Location :

Fort McMurray, AB

Duration :

July 2016– October 2017


Owner :

Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB)

Our Services:

  • ZMechanical

Project Description:

The MacKenzie Lift Station Diversion & Sewer Upgrade project was completed as part of an overall master plan to provide new water service and sewer drainage to areas that have aging infrastructure and to provide additional capacity for currently surcharged lines.

Sureway was responsible for the open-cut installation of 950 m of 300 mm PVC DR18 watermain, 3,300 m of 200-525 mm PVC DR35 gravity sewer, and reconnecting water services to businesses located in the Gregoire Industrial Park. As the majority of these systems were within the existing road way, rehabilitation was required which included gravel placement, asphalt and concrete curb & gutter.

Prior to commencing construction, Sureway’s local engineering staff worked closely with WSP to create a detailed Traffic Accommodation Strategy (TAS). During the implementation stage, the project team consulted and maintained relationships with affected businesses to ensure disruption was minimal.

This was accomplished by a series of hand delivered notices, phone calls, site meetings, and providing temporary accesses when required. Sureway’s crew implemented and maintained signage described in the TAS and ensured all signage was clean and visible at all times. Aside from coordinating with the public, Sureway worked extensively with the RMWB’s Underground Services (UGS) team. Prior to any water or sewer disruptions, UGS would be notified.

This coupled with frequent conversations and site meetings led to a trusting relationship where Sureway could rely on the support of UGS and vice versa. Sureway proposed this alternate to the originally planned methodology as it reduced the risk.

Scope of Work

  • Z950 lm - Water main (300mm DR18)
  • Z3,300 lm - Gravity Sewer Pipe (200mm-525mm)
  • Z1 ls - Lift Station Diversion
  • Z1 ls - Existing Roadway Removal and Replace
  • Z1 ls - Restoration of Concrete Curb and Gutter
  • Z1 ls - Traffic Accommodation Strategy